Logo: Guam Memorial Hospital Authority


GMHA Fee Schedule

Under the Affordable Care Act and guidelines established by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, each hospital operating within the United States/US Territories must make public on the internet in a machine-readable format a list of the hospital’s standard charges for items and services provided by the hospital and the hospital’s standard charges listing , updated annually.

The hospital’s “chargemaster” is a comprehensive listing of the standard prices established by the hospital for individual services and supplies provided by the hospital and may be accessed below:

GMHA Shoppable Services

GMHA CDM Machine Readable

If you have additional questions regarding your insurance and/or payment(s) arrangement(s), Charge Estimates, please contact GMHA’s Patient Affairs Department by using one of our convenient options below: We are located on the ground floor of the hospital, and open for business Monday – Friday between the hours of 8:00am to 5:00pm.

Price Transparency Disclaimer


Online bookings Disclaimer:

GMHA Patient Affairs Department is available for online bookings and virtual Zoom meetings between the hours of 8:30am to 16:30pm, Monday to Friday and will not be available on Holidays and Weekends. Additionally, customer must ensure they arrive 15 minutes prior to the scheduled appointment; and we reserve the right to cancel and/or reschedule the appointment without notice. It is the customers responsibility to either re-schedule or contact GMH using the other available options above.

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