Logo: Guam Memorial Hospital Authority




GMHA cares about everyone’s health.  Patients and visitors are not permitted to smoke in the patient’s room nor anywhere inside the hospital building or on the balconies. Smoking is only permitted outside the building in designated areas:  First floor behind the Business Office building and behind the ICU/CCU Department on the second floor.


Walking is restricted to ambulatory patients unless permission has been granted by your doctor.  Please ask you nurse for assistance.

Age Restrictions

Children under 14 years of age are not allowed on patient floors.  This is to protect children who are vulnerable to infection.  A written authorization form must be obtained and approved by our Nursing Director/Nursing Supervisor before children under the age limit are allowed into the patient areas.

Photography and Video Taping

For Labor & Delivery/Nursery:

Family members wishing to take pictures or video tape in the Labor & Delivery or Nursery areas must request permission in advance.  Nursing representatives will prepare permission forms for authorization by the patient’s attending physician.  A copy of the form  must be presented to Security to allow the use of photography or video taping.

For Other Units:

Photography or video taping are not allowed in other patient areas.  A request must be obtained and approved by the Hospital Administrator before any camera or video equipment is allowed into the facility.


Visits by Staff and Doctors

Hospital staff will be periodically visiting you to assess your condition, in addition to administering any medication or taking the necessary laboratory samples. Doctors normally make their rounds between 7:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m..  However, individual doctor schedules may require them to make rounds at different times of the day.  On occasion, our staff may be required to interrupt your rest or visits.  This is necessary to carry out doctor-ordered test, medication or treatments at specific time intervals in order to be effective.

Patient Meals

Professionally trained dietitians monitor your diet and provide nutritional assessments and if needed or desired, counseling.  Meals are provided three (3) times a day at the following time:


  • Breakfast
07:00 am – 08:30 am
  • Lunch
11:30 am – 12:45 pm
  • Dinner
04:30 pm – 05:45 pm

Please let us know of any food allergies, aversions, or preferences.  Inform the nursing staff for a dietitian to visit you.  for medical reasons, you are only allowed foods ordered by your doctor.  If you are an exclusively breast feeding mother of an infant in Pediatrics or Nursery, you will be served meals from the regular menu during patient meal times.  Your infant’s physician will order for you to be given a food tray.  Parent Food Trays are available to parents of children in the Pediatric Ward who feel they cannon leave their children’s side.  To have a tray delivered, a parent must go to the Cafeteria cashier ahead  of time, order a meal tray, and prepay it.  Please indicate which room it must be delivered to.  IT IS THE HOSPITAL POLICY THAT NO OUTSIDE FOOD BE BROUGHT INTO THE BUILDING.


For newborns and infants being discharged from the hospital, an approved car seat must be brought into the patient’s room along with baby clothes and a blanket.  For toddlers being discharged, an approved car seat and clothes are also required.  Discharge instructions for children must be given to mother or parents by the nurse prior to leaving.  All discharged patients must be accompanied by a nursing representative to the first floor lobby area.

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